Thursday, September 5, 2013


When I was given a box of crayons on the first day of school every year as a child, I didn't want to use them. I didn't want to ruin them. They were so perfect. All perfectly sharpened and beautiful. As soon as I used them, they were all broken and dull. It was best if I left them alone. 
Like the world. Better if I didn't touch it or effect it at all.
But then someone told me to use my crayons.
And I did.
And that's when I realized that it didn't hurt anything.
Maybe it could make things better.
So I grabbed the crayons and the paint.
I found some paper, I found a wall.
And I made the world better.
And then I realized that I could make the world better with more than just crayons and paint and markers.
I could dance.
I could sing.
I could write.
And maybe it'd be terrible.
But sometimes terrible things make the world better.
And even if it is terrible.
It didn't hurt.
I'd rather be a terrible creator than not be one at all.
The world needs creators.
Good and bad.
So, here. Have some crayons.