Saturday, October 12, 2013


My insides know me better than any of you.
They even know me better than I know myself.
They know what I want, and sometimes that's hard to know.

My insides tell me everything I need to know, but what frustrates me is that they hold things from me. My insides know things way before I do and that's because they don't tell me everything as soon as they know it. And sometimes they just leave things out.
But then I learned why they do that.
It's cause they know I'll figure it out eventually and they know that things will be better for me if I don't know things as soon as they do. My insides are smart.

Sometimes I wish they weren't though...

I've learned a lot from my insides and if I could give you any advice about yours, listen to them.

They know everything.
And they can't keep it all from you.

It's like your insides have a bunch of peanut butter and jelly which is the information they are keeping from you. But they have to keep it on bread to make a sandwich and a little bit of peanut butter and jelly always squishes out onto the edge of your sandwich. Well that little bit is the information that they cannot hide. Now they didn't just tell you like they do when they actually want you to know something, they just couldn't keep it from squishing out. So that's when you have to do what they always say "listen to your heart" or "go soul searching" or "listen to your gut" and usually when you do those things, it turns out just fine. And even if it doesn't, that was what was supposed to happen and that's where you're supposed to be.
Your insides know. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. It's like your insides have a bunch of peanut butter and jelly.
    I like your blog. One thing I like is your titles. And "Good music that your ears need."
